If you are raising your own queen bees then you know how important it is to have good drone stock in range. Or maybe your planning to setup more yards this year. In this article I want to share a tip on laying out your yards. Bees fly roughly 2 miles from the hive and with this knowledge I took it a step farther. Just to make sure my bees were able to reach each other from different yards. In order to follow these steps I am about to share with you. The following will be needed. 1. A county map ( Of your bee yard county) 2. Translucent Plastic Folders 3. Thumb Tacs 4. Drawing Compass 5. Scissors Now on your county map look for the "Scale Information". This area is usually located in one of the corners of the map. You are looking to see how big 2 miles is on your map. For instance on my map 2 inchs is 2 miles. So with that information I can now set my drawing compass and begin preparing my circles. Now as you have probably noticed I sugges...
JCs Bees is a central Ohio beekeeper who share personal beekeeping experiences and advice to help other beekeepers